The Library


“Where are we on Act II?”

“We’re still considering options.”

“Do I need to remind you it’s two months to curtain? What options? We need Act II!”

“And do I have splendid news for you! We opened it to the public and sponsored a contest, which was very well received. We have thousands of scenarios! I’m telling you we should do this more often.”

“You opened it to the public!” The director got instantly aggravated. “So every Tom, Dick and Harry can opine? What for do I need you, then?”

“Don’t get upset,” the playwright didn’t react. He’d been working with the director for a long time and knew the latter could be a bit of a primadonna. It didn’t phase him. “We have to stay with the times. Have you seen the social media trends? Everybody is into live, interactive content now.”

“God forbid we’d have professional standards!” The director was on a roll. “Call aunt Millie! I’m sure she has a story. We’ll make a movie!”

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The Library
When the search for meaning yields too much. Welcome to reality according to everybody.
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Appears in episode
Francis Rosenfeld